Railway: Tuatapere Branch
Distance (from zero peg): 9.6km
Nearest town: Riverton
Accessibility: Easy, drive over it if ya wanna.
Pros: Easy to find, by the water, Fish n Chips.
Cons: Negligible
Out in Riverton for work the other day, got chips for lunch, so popped over to the Riverton station site to devour them. After my feast, I wandered around whilst enjoying my post-meal ciggie. "That looks lie a loco pit" I said to myself as I walked, and so it was.
There is also the station platform and a loading bank on the site, which I will detail in a future post.
Apologies for the crappy pic quality, was an incredibly windy day out there, and bright and hazy. I've tried to clean them up somewhat.
↑ Looking across from pit to station platform, which is behind the hut on the trailer.
↑ Estuary beach directly behind the pit, looking toward the sad remaining causeway of the once iconic Riverton railway bridge, destroyed in an monumental act of moronic stupidity, which this country has become sadly adept at over the last few years.
↑ Looking opposite direction. Turntable site is at end of row of trees.
Hopefully return soon to check out more here.